Academic Catalog 2024-2025

College of Education

The College of Education houses the Department of Liberal Studies, the Department of Teacher Education, the Department of Special Education and the Department of Graduate Education. The College offers professional programs that prepare teachers, specialists in curriculum, counselors, and school and college/university administrators for the urban, multicultural community. These programs are designed to offer high quality educational opportunities for students at undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, masters, and advanced levels.

Our Vision

Grounded in principles of justice, equity, and critical consciousness, we are committed to reflective, responsive, and purposeful praxis in teaching, scholarship, and leadership.  Alongside the communities we serve, we prepare critical educators to co-create and enact transformative change.

Our Mission

Through self-examination, collective learning, and research, we construct brave spaces that foster the holistic development of educators. Together, we challenge and dismantle systems of power and privilege in institutions of education. We re-imagine equitable, responsive, and just learning experiences for all learners, especially those from minoritized groups within our college and in our local schools. We are committed to advancing the following:

  • A justice-focused agenda
  • The pursuit of equity
  • Innovation in teaching and learning
  • Rigorous and responsive research
  • Collaboration with professional, local, and global communities, and student-centered partnerships
  • Belief in the limitless potential of our work, each other, and those we serve

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies is an interdisciplinary undergraduate major for students who intend to become elementary or special education teachers. Courses leading to the Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies are designed to support the acquisition of content knowledge in the subject areas taught in elementary schools as well as professional knowledge and dispositions. The Liberal Studies major is a Commission approved Elementary Subject Matter Program. 

Teacher Education 

Teacher Education offers preliminary credential programs for students who intend to teach in an elementary (multiple subjects) or secondary (single subject) classroom. All programs offer a pathway to earn a Bilingual Authorization in Spanish. Both traditional student teaching and university intern programs are available. Teacher Education also offers a Master of Arts in Education with options in Curriculum and Instruction, and Dual Language Learning.

Special Education

Special Education offers preliminary Education Specialist Credentials in Early Childhood Special Education, Mild/Moderate Support Needs (MMSN), and Extensive Support Needs (ESN). Both traditional student teaching and university intern programs are available. Educational Specialists provide services to infants, children, and youth with disabilities. Special Education also offers a Clear (Induction) Credential, an added authorization in Early Childhood Special Education, and a Master of Arts in Special Education.

Graduate Education

The Division of Graduate Education provides advanced knowledge and training in various professions in educational settings, such as School Leadership, Counseling, and Higher Education Administration and Leadership. The School Leadership program offers both the Preliminary Administrative Service Credential and Clear Professional Administrative Services Credential, with an option to add on a Master of Arts in Education. The Counseling program offers the Master of Science degree in Counseling with options in School or College Counseling. Counseling students can also concurrently earn the Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Counseling, the Child Welfare and Attendance Authorization, and a Certificate in College Counseling. The Higher Education Administration and Leadership program is a twelve-unit graduate certificate program designed for working professionals and individuals seeking advanced training and knowledge in the broad field of higher education administration and leadership. The Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership(Ed.D.), is a three-year program titled Educational Leadership for Justice in Education(EDLD for Justice)The  EDLD for Justice prepares candidates to assume executive leadership positions in P-16 educational settings and related agencies such as County Offices of Education, K-12 District Offices, Charter School Boards, and educational non-profits. 

College of Education

Office Location: COE 1490
Phone: (310) 243-3510

Dean, Jessica Pandya
Associate Dean, Corinne Martinez
Liberal Studies Department, Angela Macias, Chair
Teacher Education Department, Jarod Kawasaki, Chair
Special Education Department, Kate Esposito, Chair
Graduate Education Department, Gary Rhodes, Chair