Academic Catalog 2024-2025

College of Arts and Humanities

The College of Arts and Humanities is the second largest college at California State University Dominguez Hills and comprises a rich group of majors and programs of emphasis including Africana Studies, Art and Design, Asian Pacific Studies, Chicana/o Studies, Communications, Dance, Digital Media Arts, English, History, Humanities, Interdisciplinary Studies/PACE, Labor Studies, Modern Languages, Music, Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding, Philosophy, Theater Arts, and Women's Studies. The arts and humanities are the academic heart and soul of the university and prepare students to explore contemporary and enduring questions in the world. They foster critical and creative thinking, civic knowledge, and ethical reasoning. Our departments and programs provide students with opportunities to engage in scholarly research, creativity and in-depth inquiry in their chosen fields. Twenty-first century life and enterprise have become ever more complex and diverse. Increasingly, creativity and imagination are recognized as key to success in today's world. It is no surprise that program offerings in the arts and humanities prepare students to lead in exciting and new developments in many arenas of life.

Our faculty and staff, who are accomplished teachers and experts in their fields, are dedicated to nurturing and mentoring students to become lifelong learners. As scholars and creative artists, our faculty have won numerous prestigious fellowships, awards, and research grants from such organizations as the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Fulbright Scholars Programs and their research, publications and creative activities have won national and international recognition. As university leaders, our faculty shape and develop curriculum and academic policy, and manage departments, institutes, and programs.

The College of Arts and Humanities exists for you. It is your home where you learn to decode, interpret, and understand as you prepare for life.

College of Arts and Humanities

Office Location: LIB 5090
Phone: (310) 243-3389

Dean, Timothy Caron
Associate Dean, Timothy Chin
Communications Department, Brant Burkey, Chair
English Department, Andrew Kalaidjian, Chair
     English, Graduate Program- Literature Option, David Sherman, Coordinator
     English, Graduate Program- TESL Option, Iara Mantenuto, Coordinator
History Department, Laura Talamante, Chair
Humanities Program, Timothy Chin, Interim Coordinator
Interdisciplinary Studies Department, Anne Choi, Chair
Labor Studies Program, Stephen McFarland, Coordinator
Modern Languages Department, Benito Gomez, Chair
Negotiation, Conflict Resolution, and Peacebuilding Program, Brian Jarrett, Director
Philosophy Department, Brian Gregor, Chair

Division of World Cultural and Gender Studies

Africana Studies Department, Salim Faraji, Chair
Asian-Pacific Studies Department, Mary Lacanlale, Chair
Chicana/Chicano Studies Department, Tim Caron and Tim Chin, Interim Chairs
Women’s Studies Department, Jennifer Brandt, Chair

Division of Performing, Visual and Digital Media Arts

Art and Design Department, Jim Keville, Chair
Digital Media Arts Department, George Vinovich, Chair
Music Department, Scott Morris, Chair
Theatre Arts and Dance Department, Doris Ressl, Chair