Baccalaureate Degrees and Undergraduate Studies
Admission Procedures and Policies
Requirements for admission to California State University, Dominguez Hills are in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 1, Subchapter 3, of the California Code of Regulations. Complete information is available on the California State University website.
All CSU applications must be submitted online on the Cal State Apply website. An acknowledgement will be sent to the applicant when the online application has been submitted.
CSU Dominguez Hills advises prospective students that they must supply complete and accurate information on the application for admission, residency questionnaire and financial aid forms. Further, applicants must, when requested, submit authentic and official transcripts of all previous academic work attempted. Failure to file complete, accurate and authentic application documents may result in denial of admission, cancellation of registration or academic credit, suspension or expulsion (Section 41301, Article 1.1, Title 5, California Code of Regulations).
Undergraduate Application Procedures
Prospective students applying for part-time or full-time undergraduate programs of study must submit a completed undergraduate application. The $70 nonrefundable application fee should be paid online at the time of application via credit card or PayPal and may not be transferred or used to apply to another term. An alternate major may be requested on the application if desired by the university. The applications of persons denied admission to an impacted university may be redirected to another university at no cost, but only if the applicant is CSU eligible. Before applying for admission to California State University, Dominguez Hills, students should carefully study the list of academic majors and their descriptions.
Impacted Programs
The CSU designates programs as impacted when more applications from regularly eligible applicants are received in the initial filing period (October and November for fall terms, June for winter terms, August for spring terms, February for summer terms) than can be accommodated. Some programs are impacted at every university which they are offered; others are impacted only at a few universities.
Candidates for admission must meet all of the university's specified supplementary admission criteria if applying to an impacted program or university.
The CSU will announce during the fall filing period those CSUs or programs that are impacted. Detailed information on university and program impaction is available on the Access & Impaction Website.
Each university will communicate supplementary admission criteria for all impacted programs to high schools and community colleges in their application service area and will disseminate this information to the public through appropriate media. This information will also be published on the CSU Dominguez Hills website at
Applicants must file applications for admission to an impacted program during the initial filing period. Applicants who wish to be considered for impacted programs at more than one CSU should file an application at each university for which they seek admission consideration.
Supplementary Admission Criteria
Each university with impacted programs or class-level admission categories uses supplementary admission criteria in screening applicants. Supplementary criteria may include rank-ordering of freshman applicants based on the combination of student's "A-G" GPA and supplemental factors or rank-ordering of transfer applicants based on verification of the Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) or Associate in Science Transfer (AS-T) degrees, the overall transfer grade point average (GPA), completion of specified prerequisite courses and a combination of campus-developed criteria. Applicants for freshman admission to impacted universities or programs may need to have a higher "a-g" GPA. In no case will standardized test scores be utilized in making freshman admission decisions.
The supplementary admission criteria used by individual CSUs to screen applicants are made available by the universities to all applicants seeking admission to an impacted program.
Pre-admission Advising
Pre-admission advisors are available to aid students in the application process. Questions about admission requirements, transfer of previous course work, application deadlines and related questions should be directed to University Outreach and School Relations located at WH D-245, (310) 243-3696. For additional information regarding advisement, see the section on "Academic Advisement."
Applying for Admission
- Applicants must submit the completed Application for Admission, showing social security number, evidence of residence as defined in the application booklet, and all supporting documents (official transcripts and test scores).
- An official transcript of record from the high school of graduation is required for new freshmen and transfer students with fewer than 60 transferable semester units completed.
- An official transcript is required from each college or university attended, if any.
- The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required for all applicants, regardless of citizenship, who have not attended schools full time at the secondary level or above for at least three years where English is the principal language of instruction.
- Applicants must complete the admission file within the campus deadlines. Contact the University Outreach and Information Services Center for current deadlines. Late applicants will be charged a Late Application Processing fee.
The University reserves the right to select its students and deny admission to the University or any of its programs as the University, in its sole discretion, determines appropriate based on an applicant’s suitability and the best interests of the University.
Readmission of Former Students
Continuing Student Status
Students may elect to be absent for one semester without losing catalog rights or eligibility for re-registration, subject to the following conditions:
A registration appointment time will not be assigned to scholastically disqualified students following their most recent semester of attendance at CSU Dominguez Hills.
Students who attend another college or university during an absence from CSU Dominguez Hills must file an application for admission as a returning student and must have official transcripts of work attempted sent to the Office of Admissions. A nonrefundable application fee is required. Students who use the Intrasystem Visitor Program do not have to file a new application.
Undergraduate students who graduate from CSU Dominguez Hills and wish to continue as graduate students must file a graduate application for admission. An application fee is required. Late applicants will be charged an additional late application processing fee.
Returning Students
Undergraduate students who have been absent for two semesters or more prior to the semester of return must apply for readmission, unless approved for and participating in the Planned Educational Leave program, as described later in this section of the catalog.
Students who attend another institution during any absence from CSU Dominguez Hills must file an application for admission as a returning student and are subject to the non-refundable application fee.
Returning students who have not maintained continuing student status or been approved for the Planned Educational Leave Program will lose their catalog rights and will be subject to all requirements and regulations in the catalog of the year they are readmitted.
Undergraduate students previously enrolled at the University are not required to file a new application for admission and pay an application fee unless they are absent from the University for two semesters or more or have attended another institution during their absence. Graduate students must reapply if they are absent for one term.
Former Students in Good Standing
A student who left the University in good standing will be readmitted provided any academic work attempted elsewhere does not change his/her scholastic status. Transcripts of any work attempted in the interim are required.
Former Students on academic notice
A student on academic notice at the close of the last semester of enrollment may be readmitted on academic notice provided he/she is otherwise eligible. The student must have official transcripts of any college work attempted during their absence sent to the University.
Readmission of Disqualified Students
The readmission of a previously disqualified student is by special action only. The University normally will not consider a student for readmission until the student has not attended for one semester and until she/he has fulfilled all recommended conditions. In every instance, readmission action is based upon evidence that the causes of previous low achievement have been removed. The evidence includes transcripts of work completed elsewhere subsequent to disqualification and other objective evidence. A request for readmission must be filed in order for a student to be considered for readmission. Formerly disqualified undergraduate students who are interested in being reinstated should contact the University Advisement Center (310-243-3538) for information regarding the process to request readmission as an undergraduate student at California State University, Dominguez Hills.
Cancellation of Admission
Admission to the University is for a specific semester. Students who do not register for that semester will have their admission cancelled. When seeking admission at a future date, students must file a new application form, follow the complete application procedure, and meet the current admission requirements. Transcripts on file will be retained for one year.
Application Filing Periods
(Not all universities/programs are open for admission to every term.)
Terms | Applications First Accepted | Initial Filing Period |
Summer Semester1 | February 1 | February 1-28 |
Fall Semester | October 1 | October 1-November 30 |
Winter | June 1 | June 1-30 |
Spring Semester | August 1 | August 1-30 |
- 1
Note: Most CSUs do not admit students to Summer term.
Late Fee: A late admissions application fee of $15.00 will be charged after the Fall deadline of November 30th, the Spring deadline of August 30th and the Summer deadline of March 1st.
Filing Period Duration: Each non-impacted university accepts applications until capacities are reached. Many universities limit undergraduate admission in an enrollment category due to overall enrollment limits. If applying after the initial filing period, consult the university admission office for current information.
High School Students
High school students may be considered for enrollment in certain special programs if recommended by the principal and the appropriate campus department chair and if preparation is equivalent to that required of eligible California high school graduates. Such admission is only for a given specific program and does not constitute a right to continued enrollment.
Application Acknowledgment
On-time applicants may expect to receive an email acknowledgment from the universities to which they have applied within two to four weeks of filing the application. The notice may also include a request that applicants submit additional records necessary to evaluate academic qualifications. Applicants may be assured of admission if the evaluation of relevant qualifications indicates that applicants meet CSU admission requirements, and in the case of admission impaction, supplemental criteria for admission to an impacted program. Unless specific written approval/confirmation is received, an offer of admission is not transferable to another term or to another university.
Importance of Filing Complete, Accurate and Authentic Application for Admission Documents
CSU Dominguez Hills advises prospective students that they must supply complete and accurate information on the application for admission, residency questionnaire, and financial aid forms. Further, applicants must, when requested, submit authentic and official transcripts of all previous academic work attempted. Failure to file complete, accurate, and authentic application documents may result in denial of admission, cancellation of registration or academic credit, suspension, or expulsion (Section 41301, Article 1.1, Title 5, California Code of Regulations).
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) is an admission program that recruits and admits first generation students who may not meet the standard admission requirements for the University, but who display the potential to succeed at the University. The EOP facilitates the enrollment and academic success for the educationally and economically disadvantaged. An application deadline exists for the fall semester of each academic year.
Acceptance in the program is based upon an evaluation of the student's past educational experience, completion of the EOP admission application (which may be used at all campuses within the CSU) and mandatory attendance at an informational session. Once admitted in the EOP, students are provided with support services (i.e., academic advisement, counseling and financial aid advisement) to maximize their potential for academic success.
Former EOP students at CSU Dominguez Hills must apply directly to the EOP Office for undergraduate readmission. This procedure is necessary to ensure that admission, as well as financial assistance are rendered to the student in a timely manner. The EOP Office is located in Welch Hall D-350. (310) 243-3632.
Provisional Admission of First-time Freshmen Applicants
CSU Dominguez Hills may provisionally admit first-time freshman applicants based on their academic preparation through the junior year of high school and planned coursework for the senior year. The university will monitor the final terms of study to ensure that admitted students complete their secondary school studies satisfactorily, including the required college preparatory subjects, and graduate from high school. Students are required to submit an official transcript after graduation to certify that all course work has been satisfactorily completed. Official high school transcripts must be received prior to the deadline set by the University. In no case may documentation of high school graduation be received any later than the census date for a student’s first term of CSU enrollment. A CSU may rescind admission decisions, cancel financial aid awards, withdraw housing contracts and cancel any University registration for students who are found to be ineligible after the final transcript has been evaluated.
Applicants will qualify for regular (non-provisional) admission when the university verifies that they have graduated and received a high school diploma, have completed the comprehensive pattern of college preparatory “a-g” subjects, and, if applying to an impacted program or university, have met all supplementary criteria.
Subject Requirements
The CSU requires that first-time freshman applicants complete, with grade of C-or better, a comprehensive pattern of college preparatory study totaling 15 units. A "unit" is one year of study in high school.
- 2 years of social science, including 1 year of U.S. history and government
- 4 years of English
- 3 years of math (algebra, geometry and intermediate algebra; four years recommended)
- 2 years of laboratory science (1 biological & 1 physical, both must have laboratory instruction)
- 2 years in the same foreign language (subject to waiver for applicants demonstrating equivalent competition)
- 1 year of visual and performing arts; art, dance, drama/theater or music
- 1 year of electives: selected from English, advanced mathematics, social science, history, laboratory science, foreign language, visual and performing arts or other courses approved and included on the UC/CSU "a-g" list
Intent to Enroll
Applicants who have been offered admission should notify the campus of their acceptance and if required, make a deposit by the specified campus deadline. The enrollment deposit is applied as payment against the tuition fee payable at the time of registration for students who matriculate. An enrollment deposit may be forfeited for a student who does not enroll. Students eligible for need-based financial aid and/or fee waivers may or may not be required to pay the deposit. Deadlines and deposit fees are subject to change without prior notice.
Adult Students
As an alternative to regular admission criteria, an applicant who is 25 years of age or older may be considered for admission as an adult student if they meet all of the following conditions:
- Possesses a high school diploma (or has established equivalence through either the General Educational Development or California High School Proficiency Examinations)
- Has not been enrolled in college as a full-time student for more than one term during the past five years
- If there has been any college attendance in the last five years, has earned a 2.00 GPA or better in all college work attempted.
Consideration will be based upon a judgment as to whether the applicant is as likely to succeed as a regularly admitted freshman or transfer student and will include an assessment of basic skills in the English language and mathematical computation.
Graduation Requirement in Writing Proficiency
All students must demonstrate competency in writing skills as a requirement for graduation. Information on currently available ways to meet this graduation requirement may be obtained from [name of appropriate university office or officer].
English Language Requirement
All undergraduate applicants whose native language is not English and who have not attended schools at the secondary level or above for at least three years full time where English is the principal language of instruction must present a minimum score of 61 or above on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), a score of 5.5 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), or a score of 95 on the Duolingo English Test (DET) . Some majors and some CSUs may require a score higher than the minimum university score. A few CSUs may also use alternative methods of assessing English fluency: Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic), the , and the International Test of English Proficiency (ITEP). Each university will post the tests it accepts and when to submit scores.
CSU Minimum TOEFL Standards
Level | Internet | Paper |
Undergraduate | 61 | 500 |
Graduate | 80 | 550 |
CSUDH Minimum English Proficiency Standards
International (Foreign) Student Admission Requirements
The CSU must assess the academic preparation of foreign students. For this purpose, “foreign students” include those who hold U.S. temporary visas as students, exchange visitors, or in other non-immigrant classifications.
The CSU uses separate requirements and application filing dates in the admission of “foreign students”. Verification of English proficiency (see the section on the English Language Requirement for undergraduate applicants), financial resources, and academic performance are each important considerations for admission. Academic records from foreign institutions must be on file at least eight weeks before the first term and, if not in English, must be accompanied by certified English translations.
International visa applicants are required to comply with the following requirements and instructions:
- International applicants are encouraged to consult with an advisor in the Office of International Programs before applying for admission to the University. Because the evaluation of international credentials may take considerable time, separate filing deadlines are in effect for applications from foreign students.
- Applicants must file the application for admission accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee. An application is for a specific term and is not transferable to any other term.
- Applicants must show evidence of competence in the language. The results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with a minimum score of 500 (or 173 on the computerized TOEFL) are required to show evidence of English competence. Applicants taking the Internet-based (iBT) TOEFL must present a score of 61 or above.
- Applicants must submit an affidavit of financial support. The form is available from the Office of Admissions.
- Freshmen applicants must be determined by the University to have academic preparation equivalent to U.S. high school graduates.
- All official documents submitted become the property of the University and will not be returned of forwarded. The acceptability of any international work will be determined by the University. For more information visit the International Students website: Admission of students who have not attended US institutions is based upon demonstration of preparation equivalent to that required of California residents. The Office of Admissions has the final authority for assessing the transferability of credit.
- Applicants who are transfer students must have completed 60 transferable semester units (90 quarter) with a grade point average of 2.0 at an accredited US institution. Official transcripts from each institution attended are required. Priority in admission is given to residents of California. There is little likelihood of nonresident applicants, including international students, being admitted either to impacted majors or to those with limited openings.
Official Transcript Requirements for Admission
A transcript is official if it is sent directly from the school of origin to the Office of Admissions at this University and bears the official seal of the school of origin and the signature of the Records Custodian.
A transcript hand-carried by the applicant from the institution of origin in an envelope sealed by the issuing institution may be accepted as official. A transcript bearing a college seal is not official unless it meets the above guidelines.
Official transcripts are required from all institutions attended, including extension and correspondence courses, even if withdrawal occurred prior to the completion of the course(s). The University reserves the right to determine whether a transcript will be accepted as official.
An applicant disregarding this regulation is subject to disciplinary action and will have the application for admission cancelled.
Schools and colleges will send transcripts only upon the request of the student. The responsibility for ensuring that official transcripts reach the Office of Admissions rests with the applicant.
When ordering transcripts, the request should be addressed to the Office of Admissions at the particular institution. Most institutions require a fee for sending transcripts.
All transcripts submitted become the property of this University. Students are required to have their own personal set of transcripts from all institutions attended for advisement. The Office of Admissions will not provide copies.
Students admitted on a provisional basis must submit required final official transcripts by the established deadlines. See Provisional Admission.
First-time Freshmen Applicants
Applicants enrolled in their last semester of high school must file a transcript showing all work completed to date (sophomore, junior and first semester of senior year). After high school graduation, a final transcript must be filed.
Applicants who have graduated from high school but who have not attended a college or university must file an official transcript showing grades earned during the last three years of high school.
Transfer Applicants
Official transcripts must include all college work completed to date. If currently enrolled, a work-in-progress report is required; a final official transcript is required upon completion of work-in-progress.
Undergraduate applicants with less than 60 transferable semester (84 quarter) units completed must also file an official high school transcript showing grades earned during the last three years of high school and the date of high school graduation.
Upper division undergraduate applicants (60 or more transferable credits) may be required to submit official transcripts showing completion of high school subject requirements.
Determination of Residency for Tuition Purposes
University requirements for establishing residency for tuition purposes are independent from requirements for establishing residency for other purposes, such as for tax purposes, or other state or institutional residency. These regulations were promulgated not to determine whether a student is a resident or nonresident of California, but rather to determine whether a student qualifies to pay university fees at the in-state or out-of-state rate. A resident for tuition purposes is someone who meets the requirements set forth in the Uniform Student Residency Requirements. These laws governing residency for tuition purposes at the California State University are California Education Code sections 68000-68086, 68120-68133, and 89705-89707.5, and California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Subchapter 5, Article 4, sections 41900- 41915. This material can be viewed by accessing the California State University website.
Each CSUs Admissions Office is responsible for determining the residency status of that university’s new and returning students based, as applicable, on the student’s Application for Admission, Residency Questionnaire, and, as necessary, other information the student furnishes. A student who fails to provide sufficient information to establish resident status will be classified as a nonresident.
Residency Requirements
Initial Determination: Eligible Immigration Status, Physical Presence and Intent
A student seeing to pay in-state tuition at a California State University (CSU) as a first-time freshman, transfer, or as a post-baccalaureate/graduate student must have an eligible immigration status to establish residency (see Eligible Immigration Information), meet physical presence by the Residence Determination Date, and demonstrate intent to indefinitely remain in the State of California for more than on year immediately preceding the Residence Determination Date. If the student is under the age of 19 (with limited exceptions), the student's residence status is derived from that of the parent or from that of the legal guardian.
Requirements for Residency for Tuition Purposes
Physical Presence: The student or parent/guardian must be physically present in California for more than one year immediately preceding the Residence Determination Date in which enrollment is contemplated. For example, if a student plans to attend the CSU for the Fall 2024 academic term, and the Resident Determination Date for that term is September 20, 2023, the student must establish a physical presence in California no later than September 19, 2023.
Intent: California law stipulates the burden of proof rests with the student, and merely living in California for a year does not support a claim for residency for tuition purposes. The student, or in some cases a parent or legal guardian, must demonstrate intent to remain indefinitely in the state for more than one year immediately preceding the Residence Determination Date (RDD) and sever all residential ties with the former state or country of residence. If the student in under the age of 19, the student's residence status is derived from that of the parent or legal guardian unless an exception applies. There must be sufficient documentation to demonstrate that intent was established more than one year (a minimum of one year and one day) before the RDD.
Documents must include the student's name, the student's California address, and a date at least one year and one day prior or on the RDD for the term. For students under the age of 19, documents must be in the parent or legal guardian's name unless an exception applies. Also, a parent or legal guardian's immigration status does not preclude a student from establishing residency; therefore, the parent or legal guardian is not required to provide any immigration documents to demonstrate intent.
Evidence demonstrating intent to remain in the State of California indefinitely may vary from case to case, but will include, and is not necessarily limited to, the absence of residential ties to any other state, California voter registration, and history of actually voting in California elections, maintaining California vehicle registration and driver's license, maintaining active California bank accounts, filing California income tax returns and listing a California address on federal tax returns, owning residential property or occupying or renting a residence where permanent buildings are kept, maintaining active memberships in California professional or social organizations, and maintaining a permanent military address and home of record in California.
Evidence demonstrating intent to remain in the State of California indefinitely may vary from case to case, but will include, and is not necessarily limited to, the absence of residential ties to any other state, California voter registration and history of actually voting in California elections, maintaining California vehicle registration and driver's license, maintaining active California bank accounts, filing California income tax returns and listing a California address on federal tax returns, owning residential property or occupying or renting a residence where permanent belongings are kept, maintaining active memberships in California professional or social organizations, and maintaining a permanent military address and home of record in California. For a complete list of acceptable supporting documents, please visit under Intent.
Residency Exceptions and Exemptions
Students not classified as California residents for tuition purposes may qualify for an exception or an exemption from payment of nonresident tuition. Exceptions to the general residency requirements are contained in California Education Code sections 68070-68086 and California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Subchapter 5, Article 4, sections 41906- 41906.6, 41910. Whether an exception applies to a particular student can only be determined after the submission of an application for admission and, as necessary, additional supporting documentation. Because neither the university nor the Chancellor's Office staff may give legal advice, applicants are strongly urged to review the material for themselves and consult with a legal advisor.
Quarter Term CSUs
Term | Date |
Fall | September 20 |
Winter | January 5 |
Spring | April 1 |
Summer | July 1 |
Semester Term CSUs
Term | Date |
Fall | September 20 |
Winter | January 5 |
Spring | January 25 |
Summer | June 1 |
CalState TEACH
Term | Date |
Fall | September 20 |
Spring | January 5 |
Summer | June 1 |
Reclassification - Financial Independence
(only applies to continuing students)
A student classified as a non-resident for a prior term may seek reclassification in any subsequent term; however, reclassification requires that, in addition to satisfying the requirements of physical presence and intent to remain indefinitely in the state, the student must also satisfy the requirement of financial independence as outlined in Title 5 CCR § 41905.5. To do so, the student must contact the appropriate person in the university admissions office and complete a Residency Questionnaire Form and provide supporting documents.
41905.5 Residency Reclassification - Financial Independence Requirement
- Any non-resident student requesting reclassification to the resident for tuition purposes must demonstrate financial independence.
- Student has not and will not be claimed as an exemption for state and federal tax purposes by his/her parent in the calendar year the reclassification application is made and in any of the three calendar years prior to the reclassification application
- Student has not and will not receive more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) per year in financial assistance from their parent in the calendar year the reclassification application is made and in any of the three calendar years prior to the reclassification application.
- Student has not lived and will not live for more than six weeks in the home of their parent during the calendar year the reclassification application is made and in any of the three calendar years prior to the reclassification application.
- Note: Students who receive a government scholarship and/or financial assistance should be viewed the same as state and federal financial aid, and athletics grants-is-aid; and should not be counted as parental support.
- Effective Fall 2020 academic term, if the student meets at least one of the following criteria, the student does not have to meet the financial independence requirement. Students must provide the university admissions office with supporting documents (e.g. state income tax returns, court documents, marriage certificate, military order form) that demonstrate they meet the criteria.
- Dependent on a parent who has California residence for more than one year immediately preceding the residence determination date;
- Enrolled in a graduate or post‐baccalaureate program, regardless of age;
- Turned 24 years of age by the residence determination date;
- Married or registered domestic partner as of the residence determination date;
- Active duty members serving in the U.S Armed Forces;
- Veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces;
- Legal dependent other than spouse or registered domestic partner;
- Former ward of the court, foster youth or both parents are deceased;
- Declared by a court to be an emancipated minor; or
- Unaccompanied youth who is homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
Residency Appeals
A student classified as a nonresident may appeal a final university decision within 30 days of notification by the university. Appeals will be accepted only if at least one of the following criteria applies:
- The decision was based on:
- A significant error of fact by the university;
- A significant procedural error by the university; or
- An incorrect application of the law which, if corrected would require that the student be reclassified as a California resident; and/or
- Significant new information, not previously know or available to the student, became available after the date of the university decision classifying the student as a nonresident and based on the new information, the classification as a nonresident is incorrect.
Instructions to submit an appeal and additional information can be found on the California Residency for Tuition Purposes website.
Appeals via email, fax and U.S. mail will not be accepted. A student with a document disability who requests an accommodation to submit an appeal through the California State University (CSU) website should contact Student Affairs and Enrollment Management at
The Office of the Chancellor will either decide the appeal or send the matter back to the university for further review.
A student incorrectly classified as a resident or incorrectly granted an exception from nonresident tuition is subject to reclassification as a nonresident or withdrawal of the exception and subject to payment of nonresident tuition in arrears. If incorrect classification results from false or concealed facts, the student may also be subject to discipline pursuant to Section 41301 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations. A student previously classified as a resident or previously granted an exception is required to immediately notify the Office of Admissions if the student has reason to believe that the student no longer qualifies as a resident or no longer meets the criteria for an exception.
Changes may have been made in the rate of nonresident tuition and in the statutes and regulations governing residency for tuition purposes in California between the time this information is published and the relevant residency determination date. Students are urged to review the statutes and regulations stated above.
Nonresident Tuition Exemption for California High School Students: AB 540, AB 2000, SB 68
The nonresident tuition exemption for California high school students (AB540) took effect January 1, 2002. This exemption does not provide resident status to students meeting the requirements but rather exempts certain nonresident students from paying nonresident tuition if they meet all requirements in section 68130.50 of the California Education Code. The requirements are:
The student must have attended a California high school full time for three or more years. The law does not require consecutive attendance. Qualifying attendance can be at multiple California high schools. The law does not distinguish between public and private high schools nor impose any time limit on how far in the past the student may have attended a high school.
The student must have graduated from a California high school or attained the equivalent thereof (e.g. a High School Equivalency Certificate issued by the California Department of Education. A G.E.D. certificate alone does not qualify). There is no limit on how far in the past the student may have attained this status.
Undocumented alien students must file an Affidavit with the college indicating the student has applied for legal immigration status or will do so as soon as the student is eligible to do so.
Except for nonimmigrant aliens, nonresident students who meet the first two requirements (three years of California high school attendance and either graduation or the equivalent) shall be exempted from nonresident tuition even if the student is a U.S. Citizen or lawful immigrant.
If the student has filed an application with USCIS to legalize his or her immigration status, the student may already be eligible for resident fee status under the residency laws if that student has resided in California for more than one year since the time of USCIS application.
Students who are nonimmigrant aliens (temporary visa holders, the most common being the F student visa and B visitor visa, but including all nonimmigrant visa categories) are not eligible for this exemption, even if their valid nonimmigrant status subsequently lapses. (A full description of nonimmigrant alien classification is found in 8 United States Code section 1101(a)(15) and is summarized in The Residence Handbook on pages 2-4).
This new law specifies that undocumented alien students must sign an Affidavit (developed by the Chancellor's Office) regarding their immigration status. The law requires that all information obtained in the implementation of AB540 be kept confidential.
A student seeking this tuition exemption has the burden of providing evidence of compliance with the requirements for this exemption.
Inquiries concerning AB540 may be directed to the Office of Admissions at (310) 243-3645 or the Office of Admissions website at: This information could also be viewed by accessing the California State University's website at:
Other Applicants
An applicant not admissible under one of the listed provisions should enroll in a community college or other appropriate institution. Only under the most unusual circumstances will such applicants be granted admission to CSU Dominguez Hills. Permission is granted only by special action.
Hardship Petitions
The university has established procedures for consideration of qualified applicants who would be faced with extreme hardship if not admitted. Petitioners should write to the university Admission Office regarding specific policies governing hardship admission.
Notification of Eligibility
In order that students may be informed as early as possible about eligibility, they are urged to apply early in the application period. When notified by the University to do so, they should promptly request that supporting documents (transcripts and test scores) be sent to the Office of Admissions. The time between receipt of an application by the Office of Admissions and notification of eligibility status to applicants will vary.
Early notification will be provided to those freshman applicants who can establish their eligibility prior to high school graduation. Other freshman applicants should not expect notification until at least four weeks after final transcripts reach the Office of Admissions.
Transfer students applying for admission in advanced standing may expect notification approximately four weeks after final transcripts have been received. Transcripts must include all college work completed to date. If currently enrolled, a work-in-progress report is required, and a final transcript is required upon completion of work-in-progress.
Insurance Requirement
Effective August 1, 1995, as a condition of receiving an I-20 or IAP-66 form, all F-1 and J-1 visa applicants must agree to obtain and maintain health insurance as a condition of registration and continued enrollment in the California State University. Such insurance must be in amounts as specified by the United States Information Agency (USIA) and NAFSA: Association of International Educators. Further information may be obtained at
Use of Social Security Number
Applicants are required to include their correct social security numbers in designated places on applications for admission pursuant to the authority contained in Section 41201, Title 5, California Code of Regulations, and Section 6109 of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 6109). The University uses the social security number to identify students and their records including identification for purposes of financial aid eligibility and disbursement and the repayment of financial aid and other debts payable to the institution. Also, the Internal Revenue Service requires the University to file information returns that include the student’s social security number and other information such as the amount paid for qualified tuition, related expenses, and interest on educational loans. This information is used by the IRS to help determine whether a student, or a person claiming a student as a dependent, may take a credit or deduction to reduce federal income taxes. The Financial Aid Office will also use it to report Federal Work Study earnings to the Federal Department of Education.
Taxpayers who claim Hope Scholarship or Lifetime Learning tax credit will be required to provide the campus with the name, address, and Taxpayer Identification Number.
Undergraduate Admission Requirements
The California Promise
The California Promise Program enables a specific number of CSUs to establish pledge programs for entering first-time students who are both interested and able to complete baccalaureate degrees in 4-years. All CSUs have established programs for students with Associate Degrees for Transfer from any California Community College to complete their baccalaureate degrees in 2-years. The program is limited to students who are residents of California.
Students who commit to enter either the 4-year or 2-year pledge will be given a priority registration appointment for each state-supported enrollment period and will be provided with routine and thorough academic advisement. In order to remain in the program, students must meet with their advisors as prescribed, develop an enrollment plan, and complete 30 semester units or quarter equivalent within each academic year, including summer. Participating CSUs may stipulate other requirements as well. Interested students entering the CSU should contact the university offices or visit The California Promise Program website.
- Toro California Promise Finish in Four Scholars Program
- Toro California Promise Thru in Two Scholars Program
Freshman Requirements
Generally, applicants will qualify for consideration for first-time freshman admission if they meet the following requirements:
- Have graduated from high school, have earned a Certificate of General Education Development (GED) or have passed the California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE);
- Complete the 15-unit comprehensive "a-g" pattern of college preparatory courses;
- Have completed with grades of C- or better each of the courses in the comprehensive pattern of college preparatory subject requirements, also known as the “a-g” pattern (see “Subject Requirements”); and
- The CSU will accept "Credit" or "Pass" grades to satisfy "a-g" requirements completed during Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall 2020 terms and during Winter, Spring or Summer 2021 terms. The CSU expects and assumes that high school Pass (Credit) grades will represent work completed at the C- or higher level. As of Fall 2021 and forward, grades are expected for courses.
- Earn a qualifying "a-g" grade-point average (GPA) as described below.
- California residents and graduates of California high schools will be eligible for admission by earning a 2.50 or greater “a-g” GPA
- Any California high school graduate or resident of California earning a GPA between 2.00 and 2.49 may be evaluated for admission based upon supplemental factors such as a number of courses exceeding maximum "a-g" requirements, household income, extracurricular involvement, and other available information that would inform the university admission decision.
- Non-California residents may be eligible for admission to the CSU by earning a 3.00 or greater “a-g” GPA along with other supplemental factors utilized by the individual university, including those outlined by impacted universities and programs.
- Any non-California resident earning a GPA between 2.47 and 2.99 may be evaluated for admission based upon supplemental factors such as number of courses exceeding minimum "a-g" requirements, household income, extracurricular involvement, and other available information that would inform the university admission decision.
- Each CSU will determine the supplemental factors used with GPA to determine eligibility in these cases and communicate these criteria publicly for prospective students.
The California State University (CSU) has permanently discontinued the use of ACT/SAT examinations in determining admission eligibility. Submitted test scores by admitted students would be considered only for purposes of student placement in Math or English courses.
Universities will use a combination of students' “a-g" GPA and supplemental factors to determine admission eligibility
Subject Requirements
The CSU requires that first-time freshman applicants complete, with grades of C- or better, a comprehensive pattern of college preparatory study totaling 15 units. A “unit” is one year of study in high school.
- 2 years of social science, including 1 year of U.S. history, or U.S. history and government
- 4 years of English
- 3 years of math (algebra, geometry and intermediate algebra; four years recommended)
- 2 years of laboratory science (1 biological & 1 physical, both must have laboratory instruction)
- 2 years in the same foreign language (subject to waiver for applicants demonstrating equivalent competence)
- 1 year of visual and performing arts: art, dance, drama/theater, or music
- 1 year of electives: selected from English, advanced mathematics, social science, history, laboratory science, foreign language, visual and performing arts or other courses approved and included on the UC/CSU “a-g” list.
Foreign Language Subject Requirement- The foreign language subject requirement may be satisfied by applicants who demonstrate competence in a language other than English equivalent to or higher than expected of students who complete two years of foreign language study. For further information, students should consult a counselor or any advisor at a CSU campus admissions office.
Subject Requirement Substitution for Students with Disabilities- Applicants with disabilities are encouraged to complete college preparatory course requirements, if at all possible. If a student is judged unable to fulfill a specific course requirement because of his or her disability, alternative college preparatory courses may be substituted for specific subject requirements. Substitutions may be authorized on an individual basis after review and recommendation by the student's academic advisor or guidance counselor in consultation with the director of a CSU disabled student services program. Students should be aware that failure to complete courses required for admission may limit their later enrollment in certain majors, particularly those involving mathematics. For further information and substitution forms, please call the director of the Student disAbility Resource Center (310) 243-3660.
Additional College Preparatory Courses Recommended
Most academic advisors agree that preparation for university study includes preparation in subjects beyond four years of English and three years of mathematics. Please see the section on Subject Requirements found in this portion of the University Catalog. Bachelor's degree curricula build upon previous study in the natural sciences, social sciences, visual and performing arts, foreign languages, and the humanities. Students planning to major in mathematics, the sciences (including computer science), engineering, pre-medicine, other science-related fields, business, or economics should complete four years of college preparatory mathematics. Students in the social sciences and pre-professional fields of study should include at least three years of mathematics in the preparatory studies. Further, all students should include English and mathematics in the final year of high school.
High School Students
High school students may be considered for enrollment in certain special programs if recommended by the
principal and the appropriate university department chair and if preparation is equivalent to that required of
eligible California high school graduates. Such admission is only for a given specific program and does not
constitute a right to continued enrollment
Transfer Policies of California State University
Most commonly, college-level credits earned from an institution of higher education accredited by a regional/national accrediting agency are accepted for transfer to member universities of the CSU; however, authority for decisions regarding the transfer of undergraduate credits is delegated to each university.
California Community Colleges and other authorized certifying institutions can certify up to 39 semester (58.5 quarter) units of General Education-Breadth (GE-Breadth) or 37 semester (55.5 quarter) units of the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) for transfer students to fulfill lower-division general education requirements for any CSU prior to transfer.
“Certification” is the official notification from a California Community College or authorized institution that a transfer student has completed courses fulfilling lower-division general education requirements. The CSU GE-Breadth and the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) certification course lists for particular community colleges can be accessed on the official transfer and articulation system for California's public colleges and universities website,
CSUs may enter into course-to-course or program-to-program articulation agreements with other CSUs, and any or all of the California community colleges and other regionally accredited institutions. Established CSU and CCC articulations may be found on Students may be permitted to transfer no more than 70 semester (105 quarter) units to a CSU campus from an institution which does not offer bachelor’s degrees or their equivalents, for example, community colleges. Given the university’s 30-semester (45-quarter) unit residency requirement, no more than a total of 90 semester (135 quarter) units may be transferred into the university from all sources.
Transfer Requirements
Applicants who have completed fewer than 60 transferable semester college units (fewer than 90 quarter units) are considered lower-division transfer students. Applicants who have completed 60 or more transferable semester college units (90 or more quarter units) are considered upper-division transfer students. Applicants who complete college units during high school or through the summer immediately following high school graduation are considered first-time freshmen and must meet the CSU minimum eligibility requirements for first-time freshman admission. Transferable courses are those designated for baccalaureate credit by the college or University offering the courses and accepted as such by the university to which the applicant seeks admission.
Lower Division Transfer Requirements
Due to increased enrollment demands, some CSUs do not admit lower-division transfer applicants. Students are advised to check the respective university they are interested in to if the lower-division transfer applications are accepted.
An applicant who completes fewer than 60 semester (90-quarter) units of college credit is considered a lower-division transfer student. Due to enrollment pressures, some CSUs do not admit lower-division transfers so that more upper-division transfers can be accommodated.
Having fewer than 60 semester (90-quarter) units at the point of transfer may affect eligibility for registration priority at a CSU and may affect the students' financial aid status.
California resident transfer applicants with fewer than 60 semester (90-quarter) units must:
- Have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (c) or better in all transferable units attempted;
- Have completed, with a grade of C- or better, a course in written communication and a course in mathematics or quantitative reasoning at a level satisfying CSU General Education Breadth Area A2 and B4 requirements, respectively;
- Be in good standing at the last institution attended; and
- Meet any one of the following eligibility standards.
Transfer Based on Current Admission Criteria
The applicant meets the freshman admission requirements in effect for the term for which the application is filed; - OR-
Transfer Based on High School Eligibility
The applicant was eligible as a freshman at the time of high school graduation and has been in continuous attendance in an accredited college since high school graduation; -OR-
Transfer Based on Making Up Missing Subjects
The applicant had a qualifiable eligibility index at the time of high school graduation (combination of GPA and test scores if needed), has made up any missing subject requirements with a frad of C- or better, and has been in continuous attendance in an accredited college since high school graduation.
One baccalaureate-level course of at least 3-semester (4-quarter) units is usually considered equivalent to one year of high school study.
(Note: Some CSUs may require lower-division transfer students to complete specific college coursework, for example the four basic skill courses, as part of their admission criteria.)
Upper Division Transfer Requirements
Generally, applicants will qualify for consideration for upper-division transfer admission if they meet all of the following requirements:
- Cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 in all transferable units attempted;
- In good standing at the last college or university attended; and
- Completed at least sixty (60) transferable semester (90 quarter) units of college level coursework with a grade point average of 2.0 or higher and a grade of C- or better in each course used to meet the CSU general education requirements in written communication, oral communication, critical thinking, and quantitative reasoning, e.g. mathematics. The 60 units must include at least 30 units of courses that meet CSU general education requirement, including all of the general education requirements in communication in the English language (both oral and written) and critical thinking and the requirement in mathematics/quantitative reasoning (usually 3 semester units) or the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) requirements in English communication and mathematical concepts and quantitative reasoning.
Associate Degrees for Transfer (AA-T or AS-T)
The Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) and the Associate in Science for Transfer (AS-T) degrees offered at the California Community Colleges (CCC) are designed to provide a California community college student the optimum transfer preparation and a clear admission pathway to the CSU degree majors.
CCC students who earn an Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T or AS-T) are guaranteed admission with junior standing to a CSU and given priority admission over other transfer applicants when applying to a local CSU or non-impacted CSU program. AA-T or AS-T admission applicants are given limited priority consideration based on their eligibility ranking to an impacted university/program or to campuses/programs that have been deemed similar to the degree completed at the community college. Students who have completed an AA-T/AS-T in a program deemed similar to a CSU major are able to complete remaining requirements for graduation within 60 semester (90 quarter) units. It is the responsibility of the student who has earned an AA-T/AS-T to provide documentation of the degree to the CSU. For the admissions process, students are responsible for working with their community college counselors to complete verification of AA-T or AS-T degree progress through the e-verify process within the established university deadlines.
Provisional Admission of Transfer Applicants
CSU Dominguez Hills may provisionally or conditionally admit transfer applicants based on their academic preparation and courses planned for completion. The university will monitor the final terms to ensure those admitted complete all required courses satisfactorily. All accepted applicants are required to submit an official transcript of all college-level work completed. CSUs may rescind admission for any student who is found to be ineligible after the final transcript has been evaluated. In no case may such documents be received and validated by the university any later than a student’s registration for their second term of CSU enrollment.
General Information - Admission and Evaluation of Academic Records
Advanced Placement
CSU Dominguez Hills grants credit toward its undergraduate degrees for successful completion of examinations of the Advanced Placement Program of the College Board. Students who present scores of three or better will be granted up to six semester units (nine quarter units) of college credit.
Advanced Placement (AP) Credit can count for General Education (GE), lower division major/minor requirements, or elective credit. Students must submit official Advanced Placement scores to the Office of Admissions before credit is awarded.
The following exams satisfy CSUDH General Education requirements or major/minor courses:
Advanced Placement Examination
AP Examination | AP Score | CSUDH GE Area Met | CSUDH GE Course Equivalent | GE Units | CSUDH Elective Course Equivalent | Elective Units | Total Units |
Art History | 3 | C2 | 3 | 3 | 6 | ||
Biology | 3 | B2 & B3 | BIO 102 & BIO 103 | 4 | 2 | 6 | |
Calculus AB1 | 3 | B4 | 3 | 0 | 3 | ||
Calculus AB1 | 4, 5 | B4 | MAT 191 | 3 | 0 | 3 | |
Calculus BC1 | 3 | B4 | 3 | 3 | 6 | ||
Calculus BC1 | 4, 5 | B4 | MAT 191 & MAT 193 | 3 | 3 | 6 | |
Chemistry | 3 | B1 & B3 | CHE 102 & CHE 103 | 4 | 2 | 6 | |
Chinese Language & Culture | 3 | C3 | 3 | 3 | 6 | ||
Comparative Government & Politics | 3 | D2 | 3 | 0 | 3 | ||
Computer Science A1 | 3 | N/A | 0 | CSC 121 | 3 | 3 | |
Computer Science AB1 | 3 | N/A | 0 | 6 | 6 | ||
Computer Science Principles | 3 | B4 | 3 | 3 | 6 | ||
English Literature & Composition | 3 | A1 & C3 | ENG 110 | 6 | ENG 111 | 0 | 6 |
English Language & Composition | 3 | A1 | ENG 110 | 3 | ENG 111 | 3 | 6 |
Environmental Sciences2 | 3 | B1 & B3 | 4 | 0 | 4 | ||
European History | 3 | D2 | 3 | 3 | 6 | ||
French Language & Culture | 3, 4 | C3 | 3 | FRE 110 & FRE 111 | 3 | 6 | |
French Language & Culture | 5 | C3 | FRE 220 | 3 | FRE 111 | 3 | 6 |
German Language & Culture | 3 | C3 | 3 | 3 | 6 | ||
Human Geography | 3 | D2 | GEO 100 | 3 | 0 | 3 | |
Italian Language & Culture | 3 | C3 | 3 | 3 | 6 | ||
Japanese Language & Culture | 3 | C3 | 3 | 3 | 6 | ||
Latin | 3 | C3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | ||
Macroeconomics | 3 | D1 | ECO 211 | 3 | 0 | 3 | |
Microeconomics | 3 | D1 | ECO 210 | 3 | 0 | 3 | |
Physics 13 | 3 | B1 & B3 | 4 | 0 | 4 | ||
Physics 23 | 3 | B1 & B3 | 4 | 0 | 4 | ||
Physics C3 (electricity/magnetism) | 3 | B1 & B3 | 4 | 0 | 4 | ||
Physics C3 (mechanics) | 3 | B1 & B3 | 4 | 0 | 4 | ||
Psychology | 3 | D1 | PSY 101 | 3 | 0 | 3 | |
Research | 3 | N/A | 0 | 3 | 3 | ||
Seminar | 3 | N/A | 0 | 3 | 3 | ||
Spanish Language & Culture | 3, 4 | C3 | 3 | SPA 110 & SPA 111 | 3 | 6 | |
Spanish Language & Culture | 5 | C3 | 3 | SPA 111 & SPA 220 | 3 | 6 | |
Spanish Language & Culture | 3 | C3 | 3 | SPA 220 | 3 | 6 | |
Spanish Language & Culture | 4, 5 | C3 | SPA 221 | 3 | SPA 220 | 3 | 6 |
Statistics | 3 | B4 | 3 | 0 | 3 | ||
Statistics | 4, 5 | B4 | MAT 131 | 3 | OMG 221 or SOC 220 | 0 | 3 |
Studio Art- 2D | 3 | N/A | 0 | 3 | 3 | ||
Studio Art- 3D | 3 | N/A | 0 | 3 | 3 | ||
Studio Art- Drawing | 3 | N/A | 0 | 3 | 3 | ||
U.S. Government & Politics | 3 | N/A | 0 | POL 101 | 3 | 3 | |
U.S. History | 3 | D2 | 3 | HIS 101 | 3 | 6 | |
World History | 3 | D2 | HIS 120 | 3 | 0 | 3 |
- 1
If a student passes more than one AP exam in calculus or computer science, only one examination may be applied to the baccalaureate.
- 2
Students who pass AP Environmental Science earn 4 units of credit. Tests prior to Fall 2009 may apply to either B1+B3 or B2+B3 of GE Breadth. Fall of 2009 or later, those credits may only apply to B1+B3.
- 3
If a student passes more than one AP exam in physics, only six units of credit may be applied to the baccalaureate, and only four units of credit may be applied to a certification in GE Breadth.
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
The University presently is operating under the following CLEP credit policy. The minimum standards are as follows:
General Examinations
Student must achieve a minimum passing standard score of 50.
Credit granted for general examinations in humanities and natural science may be used to fulfill General Education requirements as applicable; if not applicable to General Education, elective credit will be granted.
Subject Examinations
Student must achieve a minimum passing standard score as determined by the University for each examination.
Credit will be given only for those examinations determined to be equivalent to CSU Dominguez Hills courses and may be used to fulfill General Education, major, minor or elective requirements.
A student shall not receive credit through CLEP for taking a test in a subject more elementary than those already passed.
CLEP Examination | CLEP Score | CSUDH GE Area Met | CSUDH GE Course | GE Units | Elective Course Equivalent | Elective Units | Total Units |
American Government | 50 | D2 | 0 | 0 | 3 | ||
American Literature | 50 | C3 | ENG 230 | 3 | 0 | 3 | |
Analyzing & Interpreting Literature | 50 | C3 | ENG 230 | 3 | 0 | 3 | |
Biology | 50 | B2 | BIO 102 | 3 | 0 | 3 | |
Calculus | 50 | B4 | 3 | 0 | 3 | ||
Chemistry | 50 | B1 | CHE 102 | 3 | 0 | 3 | |
College Algebra | 50 | B4 | 3 | 0 | 3 | ||
College Algebra- Trigonometry | 50 | B4 | 3 | 0 | 3 | ||
College Composition | 50 | N/A | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
College Composition- Modular | 50 | N/A | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
College Mathematics | 50 | N/A | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
English Composition (no essay) | 50 | N/A | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
English Composition (with essay) | 50 | N/A | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
English Literature | 50 | C3 | ENG 230 | 3 | 0 | 3 | |
Financial Accounting | 50 | N/A | 0 | 3 | 3 | ||
French Level I1 | 50 | N/A | 0 | FRE 110 & FRE 111 | 6 | 6 | |
French Level II1 | 59 | C3 | FRE 220 | 3 | FRE 111 | 6 | 9 |
Freshman College Composition | 50 | N/A | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
German Level I1 | 50 | N/A | 0 | 6 | 6 | ||
German Level II1 | 60 | C3 | 3 | 6 | 9 | ||
History, United States I | 50 | N/A | 0 | HIS 101 | 3 | 3 | |
History, United States II | 50 | N/A | 0 | HIS 101 | 3 | 3 | |
Human Growth & Development | 50 | E | 3 | 0 | 3 | ||
Humanities | 50 | C3 | HUM 200 | 3 | 0 | 3 | |
Info Systems & Computer Applications | 50 | N/A | 0 | CIS 270 | 3 | 3 | |
Intro to Educational Psychology | 50 | N/A | 0 | 3 | 3 | ||
Introdutory Business Law | 50 | N/A | 0 | LAW 240 | 3 | 3 | |
Introductory Psychology | 50 | D1 | PSY 101 | 3 | 0 | 3 | |
Introductory Sociology | 50 | D1 | 3 | 0 | 3 | ||
Natural Sciences | 50 | B1 | 3 | 0 | 3 | ||
Pre-calculus | 50 | B4 | MAT 153 | 3 | 0 | 3 | |
Principles of Accounting | 50 | N/A | 0 | 3 | 3 | ||
Principles of Macroeconomics | 50 | D1 | ECO 211 | 3 | 0 | 3 | |
Principles of Management | 50 | N/A | 0 | MGT 310 | 3 | 3 | |
Principles of Marketing | 50 | N/A | 0 | MKT 350 | 3 | 3 | |
Principles of Microconomics | 50 | D1 | ECO 210 | 3 | 0 | 3 | |
Social Sciences & History | 50 | N/A | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Spanish Level I1 | 50 | N/A | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Spanish Level II1 | 63 | C3 | SPA 221 | 3 | SPA 220 | 6 | 9 |
Western Civilization I | 50 | C3 or D2 | 3 | 0 | 3 | ||
Western Civilization II | 50 | D2 | 3 | 0 | 3 |
- 1
If a student passes more than one CLEP test in the same language other than English (e.g., two exams in French), then only one examination may be applied to the baccalaureate. For each test in a language other than English, a passing score of 50 is considered "Level I" and earns six units of baccalaureate credit; the higher score listed for each test is considered "Level II" and earns additional units of credit and placement in Area C3 of GE Breadth, as noted.
CLEP Examination
A student shall not receive credit if an examination duplicates course work previously noted on a transcript.
Credit awarded through CLEP will not count as residence credit. A student may earn up to 30 semester units through CLEP. Unless otherwise indicated, three semester units of credit will be granted for each examination.
International Baccalaureate (IB)
California State University Dominguez Hills grants credit toward its undergraduate degrees to students with International Baccalaureate higher level (HL) Exam passing scores of 4 or 5. Students who wish to obtain credit for IB Examinations must have their official IB transcripts forwarded to the Office of Admissions. The IB Table reflects exam area passing scores, General Education designation and course equivalency credit.
IB Examination | IB Score | CSUDH GE Area Met | CSUDH GE Course Equivalent | GE Units | CSUDH Elective Course Equivalent | Elective Units | Total Units |
Biology HL | 5 | B2 | BIO 102 | 3 | 3 | 6 | |
Chemistry HL | 5 | B1 | 3 | 3 | 6 | ||
Economics HL | 5 | D1 | ECO 210 & ECO 211 | 6 | 0 | 6 | |
Geography HL | 5 | D2 | GEO 100 | 3 | 3 | 6 | |
History (any region) HL | 5 | D2 | 3 | 3 | 6 | ||
Language A Literature (any language except English) HL | 4 | C3 | 3 | 3 | 6 | ||
Language A Literature (English) HL | 4 | A1 & C3 | ENG 110 & ENG 230 | 6 | 0 | 6 | |
Language A Language and Literature (any language except English) HL | 4 | C3 | 3 | 3 | 6 | ||
Language A Language and Literature (English) HL | 4 | A1 & C3 | ENG 110 & ENG 230 | 6 | 0 | 6 | |
Language B HL1 | 4 | 0 | 6 | 6 | |||
Language A1 HL | 4 | C3 | 3 | 3 | 6 | ||
Language A2 HL | 4 | C3 | 3 | 3 | 6 | ||
Mathematics HL | 4 | B4 | MAT 191 & MAT 193 | 5 | 1 | 6 | |
Physics HL | 5 | B1 | 3 | 3 | 6 | ||
Psychology HL | 5 | D1 | PSY 101 | 3 | 0 | 3 | |
Theatre HL | 4 | C2 | 3 | 3 | 6 |
- 1
The IB curriculum offers language at various levels for native and non-native speakers. Language B courses are offered at the intermediate level for non-natives. Language A1 and A2 are advanced courses in literature for native and non-native speakers, respectively.
Credit by Examination
Students may challenge courses by taking examinations developed at CSU Dominguez Hills. Credit shall be awarded to those who pass them successfully.
General Conditions
- A registered student may receive credit by examination for courses in which he/she is eligible to enroll. The student should contact the office of the appropriate department to initiate the procedure.
Each department will maintain a current listing of courses that may or may not be taken as credit by examination.
The student will select a traditional letter grade or CR/NC option, in accordance with policies applicable to regular course enrollment.
Credit by examination will not be given for course work that an academic department deems inappropriate or impossible to evaluate.
The same course can be taken only once as credit by examination.
Credit by examination will not be given for a course if the student has already received credit for a similar but more advanced course.
Units earned by credit by examination may not be used to fulfill the minimum residence requirement.
Credit for Non-collegiate Instruction
CSU Dominguez Hills grants undergraduate degree credit for successful completion of non-collegiate instruction, either military or civilian, appropriate to the baccalaureate degree, which has been recommended by the Commission on Educational Credit and Credentials of the American Council on Education. The numbers of units allowed are those recommended in the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experience in the Armed Services and the National Guide to Educational Credit for Training Programs.
Credit for Prior Learning
CSU Dominguez Hills grants up to 12 units of credit for learning, knowledge, or skills-based experience that has been documented and evaluated according to university policy.
Students should be aware, however, that policies for earning credit for prior learning vary from university to university in the CSU.
Students who have acquired the equivalent of learning through prior life experience may apply for academic credit for this learning. Students must have completed 30 units in residence prior to evaluation of this prior learning. The Credit for Prior Learning program consists of two parts:
- Preparation of a portfolio detailing the prior learning under the guidance of a faculty advisor using the course UNV 380 Portfolio Preparation (1 unit, CR/NC grading).
- Evaluation of the learning portfolio by appropriate faculty who will recommend the number of units of academic credit to be awarded. Students will then register for the approved number of units using the course UNV 382 Assess Of Prior Learn (1-11 units, CR/NC grading). Credit may be used as elective units, or on approval of the appropriate department chair, as part of the requirements for a major or minor.
For further information concerning this program, please contact your academic department.
Credit for Military Service
A total of six semester units of lower division elective credit will be granted for one or more years of active military duty with an honorable discharge. A photocopy of military separation, DD 214, should be submitted to the Office of Admissions at the time of application for admission.
Evaluation of Transfer Credits
Previous college work will be evaluated in terms of its relationship to the requirements of CSU Dominguez Hills. Some undergraduate programs have established time limits for previously completed coursework in the major or minor. Please check the appropriate section of this catalog or consult with an advisor regarding departmental policy. The transfer credit evaluation is official and remains valid as long as the student enrolls in the semester specified and remains in continuous attendance. If the student is not in continuous attendance and has not applied for and been granted a formal leave of absence, an evaluation issued upon readmission will specify any changes in requirements. Students who obtain a general education certification from a California Community College will be required to complete at least nine upper division units in General Education at CSU Dominguez Hills.
Allowance for Transfer Credit
The maximum credit allowed by the Administrative Code when transferring from a community college to a state college or university is 70 semester (105 quarter) units. Upper division credit is not allowed for courses completed at a community college. Transferability of courses is determined by the community college. Credit is granted for all transferable courses completed at regionally accredited institutions with the exception being the limit on community college credit. Transfer credit is not limited to those courses that precisely parallel the courses offered at CSU Dominguez Hills.
Credit for Extension and Correspondence Courses
The University allows transfer credit for appropriate courses completed in extension or by correspondence from accredited colleges or universities and from the United States Armed Forces Institute. A maximum of 24 semester (36 quarter) units earned through extension, correspondence and USAFI may be accepted toward a bachelor's degree.
Credit for Supplemental Transfer Work
In order to receive credit toward a degree for work completed at other colleges or universities subsequent to matriculation at this University, students must have official transcripts forwarded to the Office of Admissions. After a student has completed 70 semester (105 quarter) units of transferable credit at a community college, no further community college units will be accepted for unit credit toward the total units required for the degree. However, course credit will be allowed for meeting course requirements.
Appeal of Admission Decision
Section 89030.7 of the California Education Code requires that the California State University establishes specific requirements for appeal procedures for a denial of admission. Each CSU campus must publish appeal procedures for applicants denied admission to the university. The procedure is limited to addressing university decisions to deny an applicant admission to the university.
Admissions appeal procedures must address the basis for appeals, provide 15 business days for an applicant to submit an appeal, stipulate a maximum of one appeal per academic term, provide specific contact information for the individual or office to which the appeal should be submitted, and indicate a time estimate for when the university expects to respond to an appeal. The appeal procedures must be included in all denial of admission notifications to students, and must also be published on the university website.
You may appeal your admission denial if you believe your academic or personal circumstances could not be considered adequately through the standard admission review process or that an error occurred in the application review. If you believe you have been denied admission in error, you must submit your appeal within 15 days of receipt of your denial letter (this timeline is based on Assembly Bill 670, Section 89030.7).
You may submit your complete Admission Appeal Packet to:
CSUDH Office of Admissions
Attn. Admission Decision Appeal Committee
1000 E. Victoria Street, WH-C290
Carson, CA 90747
Requirements for a Bachelor's Degree
Students seeking a baccalaureate degree from the University must complete specific requirements as determined by the Trustees of the California State University; The California Administrative Code, Title 5; and, California State University, Dominguez Hills.
Briefly summarized, the college-wide requirements include all of the following:
- Completion of a minimum of 120-semester units of credit.
- Completion of a minimum of 40 upper division units.
- Completion of General Education (49-semester units, area A-F) with a GPA of 2.0 or better. (Note: Courses used to satisfy Area "A" of General Education (Basic Skills) must be at the grade level of "C-" or better to meet graduation requirements at CSU Dominguez Hills. Students who transferred in "D" grades in Basic Skills courses must repeat those courses to satisfy graduation requirements. Although these courses may have been used to determine eligibility for admission, unit credit will be granted only once for graduation purposes for the same course, regardless of the number of times the course has been repeated.
- Satisfaction of statutory requirements in U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals by completing courses HIS 101 or examination and POL 101 or examination.
- Satisfaction of the Upper-Division Writing Requirement (GWAR).
- Completion of a major.
- Completion of elective courses (beyond the requirements above) to reach the total of a minimum of 120-semester units of credit.
- Resident requirements, upper division unit requirements, and grade point average requirements must be satisfied.
Placement Measures for First-Year GE Written Communication and Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning Courses
Freshman skills assessment and placement for general education written communication and mathematics/quantitative reasoning shall be based on systemwide skills assessment standards that include the Early Assessment Program/ Smarter Balanced Achievement Levels, ACT scores and/or SAT scores, high school coursework, high school GPA and math GPA.
Skills assessments are not a condition for admission to the CSU; they are a condition of enrollment.
These skills assessments are designed to inform entering freshmen of placement in appropriate baccalaureate-level courses based on their skills and needs.
First-time freshmen in need of support as determined by the skills assessment will be placed in supported instruction. Supported instruction is designed to assist students in credit bearing courses. Students may also be required to participate in the Supportive Pathways for First-Year Students Program.
The Supportive Pathways for First-Year Students Program offers pathways and academic and social support that align with each incoming student's needs. The program's goal is to ensure that first time students successfully complete the General Education (GE) written communication (A2) and math/quantitative reasoning (B4) requirements within their first year.
Assessments and Placement for GE Written Communication Has Fulfilled the GE Subarea A2 English Requirement.
The student has met the requirement via completion of one the following:
Advanced Placement (AP) Test
- 3 or above: AP Language and Composition
- 3 or above: Composition and Literature
College Transfer Coursework
- Completed approved college course that satisfies CSU GE Area A2 (written communication) with a grade of C- or better
Placement in a GE Subarea A2 English Course
- The student has met examination standards and/or multiple measures - informed standards via one of the criteria below:
English CASSPP/EAP Test:
- Standard Exceeded
- Standard Met and completed 12th grade approved year long English course (CSU ERWC, AP, Weighted Honors English) with grade C- or better
SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Test:
- 550 or above
- 510-540 and completed 12th grade approved year-long English course (CSU ERWC, AP, Weighted Honors English) with grade C-or better English
ACT Test:
- 22 or higher
- 19-21 and completed 12th grade approved year-long English course (CSU, ERWC, AP, Weighted Honors English) with grade C- or better
High School Course and GPA:
- Weighted GPA 3.3 or above
- GPA 3.0 or above and completed approved 12th grade year-long English course (CSU, ERWC, AP, Weighted Honors English)
- GPA 3.0 or above and completed Honors English
- GPA 3.0 or above and 5 or ore years of high school English
Placement in a Supported GE Subarea A2 English Course
The student has met examination standards and/or multiple measures - informed standards via one of the criteria below:
SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Test:
- 510-540 and 4 or more year of high school English
ACT Test:
- 19-21 and 4 or more years of high school English
High School Courses and GPA
- Weighted GPA 3.0 or above and 4 or more years of high school English
Placement in a Supported GE Subarea A2 English Course and Participation in the Supportive Pathways for First-Year Students Program.
Based on multiple measures evaluation, student needs additional academic support including participation in the Supportive Pathways for First-Year Students Program. Visit to learn more about this program.
Assessments and Placement for GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning: Non-Math Intensive Majors (Algebra and Statistics Disciplines, Non-STEM and Exploring Students) Has Fulfilled the GE Subarea B4 Math/Quantitative Reasoning Requirement
The student has met the requirement via completion of one of the following:
Advanced Placement (AP) Test:
- 3 or above: Calculus AB
- 3 or above on AP Calculus BC
- 3 or above on AP Statistics
- 3 or above on AP Computer Science Principles
International Baccalaureate (IB) Test:
- 4 or above on Math Higher Level (HL)
College Level Examination Program (CLEP):
- 50 or above on: Calculus, College Algebra, College Algebra-Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus or Trigonometry
College Transfer Coursework:
- Completed math/quantitative reasoning college course with a C- or better that satisfies CSU GE Area B4
Placement in a GE Subarea B4 Math/Quantitative Reasoning RequiremenT
The student has met examination standards and/or multiple measures-informed standards via one of the following criteria:
- Standard Exceeded
- Standard Met and completed 12th grade approved year-long math course beyond Algebra 2 with a C- or better
- Standard Met and 4 or more years of high school math or quantitative reasoning
SAT Math Test:
- 570 or above
- 520 – 560 and completed 12th grade approved year-long math course beyond Algebra 2 with a C- or better
ACT Math Test:
- 23 or above
- 20-22 and completed 12th grade approved year-long math course beyond Algebra 2 with a C- or better
High School Courses and GPA:
- Weighted math GPA 3.0 or above and completed 12th grade approved year-long math course beyond Algebra 2 with a C- or better
- Weighted math GPA 3.0 or above and 5 or more years of high school math or quantitative reasoning
- Weighted high school GPA 3.7 or above
- Weighted high school GPA 3.5 or above and 4 or more years of high school math or quantitative reasoning
Placement in a Supported GE Subarea B4 Math/ Quantitative Reasoning Requirement
The student has met examination standards and/or multiple measures- informed standards via one of the criteria below:
High School GPA:
- Weighted math GPA 3.3 or above
- Weighted high school GPA 3.0 or above
Placement in a Supported GE Subarea B4 Math/ Quantitative Reasoning Requirement AND PARTICIPATION IN THE DOMINGUEZ HILLS FIRST-YEAR EXPERIENCE (dhfye) PROGRAM REQUIRED
Based on multiple measures evaluation, student needs additional academic support including participation in the Dominguez Hills First-year Experience (DHFYE) Program. Visit the to learn about this program.
Assessments and Placement for GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning: Pre-STEM/STEM and Other Math-Intensive Majors
has Fulfilled the GE Subarea B4 Math/Quantitative Reasoning Requirement
The student has met the requirement via completion of one of the following:
Advanced Placement (AP) Test:
- 3 or above on AP Calculus AB
- 3 or above on AP Calculus BC
- 3 or above on AP Statistics
- 3 or above on AP Computer Science Principles
International Baccalaureate (IB) Test:
- 4 or above on Math Higher Level (HL)
College Level Examination Program (CLEP):
- 50 or above on: Calculus, College Algebra, College Algebra-Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus or Trigonometry
College Transfer Coursework:
- Completed math/quantitative reasoning college course with a C- or better that satisfies CSU GE Area B4
Placement in a GE Subarea B4 Math/Quantitative Reasoning Requirement
The student has met examination standards and/or multiple measures- informed standards via one of the criteria below:
- Standard Exceeded
- Standard Met and completed 12th grade approved year-long math course beyond Algebra 2 with a C- or better
SAT Math Test:
- 570 or above
- 520 – 560 and completed 12th grade approved year-long math course beyond Algebra 2 with a C- or better
ACT Math Test:
- 23 or above
- 20-22 and completed 12th grade approved year-long math course beyond Algebra 2 with a C- or better
High School Courses and GPA:
- Weighted math GPA 3.5 or above and completed 12th grade approved year-long math course beyond Algebra 2 with a grade of C- or better
- Weighted math GPA 3.5 or above and 5 or more years of high school math or quantitative reasoning
- Weighted high school GPA 3.7 or above
Placement in a Supported GE Subarea B4 Math/ Quantitative Reasoning Requirement
The student has met examination standards and/or multiple measures- informed standards via the criteria below:
High School Math GPA:
- Weighted math GPA 3.3 or above
Placement in a Supported GE Subarea B4 Math/ Quantitative Reasoning Requirement and Participation in the Dominguez hills FIRST-YEAR EXPERIENCE (dhfye) Program Required
Based on multiple measures evaluation, student needs additional academic support including participation in the DHFYE Program. Visit to learn about this program.
- The goal of the Supportive Pathways for First-Year Students Program (SPFYP) is to ensure that first-time students successfully complete the General Education (GE) written communication (A2) and math/quantitative reasoning (B4) requirements within their first year.
- Better prepare students in written composition and mathematics/quantitative reasoning before the fall term of freshman year, improving students' chances of successful completion of a baccalaureate degree.
- For general information about Dominguez Hills First-Year Experience (DHFYE) Program, visit the Students are encouraged to visit the university website for DHFYE information once admitted.
- Eligible financial aid applicants with an Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) of $6,000 or less will be eligible for waiver of the per unit DHFYE fee. For more information on assessments, placements and the Dominguez Hills First-Year Experience Program, please visit
Academic Skills Assessment Plan (ASAP)
Students should consult an advisor upon entry to the university and every semester thereafter. For information on G.E. and other University undergraduate degree requirements (GWAR, units, academic status, statutory requirements), students need to contact an advisor in their College's Student Success Center. Students with declared majors and minors also need to consult the appropriate department(s).