Academic Catalog 2024-2025

School Leadership (SLP)

SLP 550.  Induction Preliminary Leaders.  (2 Units)  

Students will develop an induction plan designed to meet the individual's needs as an instructional leader. The induction plan will include the assessment of the individual's professional needs to become and urban school leader. Students will analyze the CCTC Program Standards and the ISLLC national standards and plan and create their professional development plan.

Offered Fall

SLP 551.  Visionary Leadership.  (3 Units)  

Recommended prerequisite: SLP 550 or concurrent enrollment. Students facilitate the development, articulation, implementation and stewardship of a vision of teaching and learning that is shared and supported by the school community. Coursework and fieldwork focus on the vision audit through collecting data, constructing profiles, and aligning resources.

Offered Fall

SLP 552.  Instructional Leadership.  (3 Units)  

Recommended prerequisites: SLP 550 and SLP 551 or concurrent enrollment. Students learn how to advocate, nurture and sustain a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. Coursework and fieldwork focus on the implementation of state adopted academic content standards, frameworks as well as assessment and accountability systems.

Offered Fall

SLP 553.  Organizational Leadership and Resource Management.  (3 Units)  

Recommended prerequisites: SLP 550, SLP 551 and SLP 552 or concurrent enrollment. Students learn how to ensure the management of the organization, operations and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. Coursework and fieldwork focus on the study and application of organizational theory that reflects effective leadership.

Offered Spring

SLP 554.  Collaborative Leadership.  (3 Units)  

Recommended prerequisites: SLP 550, SLP 551, SLP 552, and SLP553. Students will learn to work effectively with families, caregivers and community members; recognize the goals and aspirations of diverse families; respond to diverse community interests and needs. Through coursework and fieldwork, student will examine and evaluate their attitudes toward people of different races, cultures, and ethnic backgrounds. Students will focus on improving student achievement regardless of race, culture, or socio-economic status.

Offered Spring

SLP 555.  Ethical Leadership.  (3 Units)  

Prerequisites: SLP 550, SLP 551, SLP 552 and SLP 553. Students will examine, practice and model a personal code of ethics, including protecting the rights and confidentiality of students, staff, and families. Students will practice professional leadership capacity, including shared decision-making, problem-solving and conflict management and foster those skills in others. Through coursework and fieldwork, students will have multiple opportunities to model personal and professional ethics, integrity, justice and fairness.

Offered Spring

SLP 556.  Political, Social, Economic, Legal and Cultural Leadership.  (3 Units)  

Prerequisites: SLP 550, SLP 551, SLP 552 and SLP 553. The student will learn about political, societal, economic, legal and cultural influences on schools. Through these interconnections, the student develops the ability to understand, respond to, and influence the larger political, social, economic, legal and cultural context of schools and leadership. The student will learn how to view himself or herself as a leader and as a member of a team by engaging in course work and field work that provide opportunities to both lead and work collaboratively.

Offered Fall

SLP 557.  Post-Assessment, Preliminary Leadership.  (2 Units)  

Prerequisites: SLP 554, SLP 555, and SLP 556 or concurrent enrollment. Students provide evidence of their competency in all CCTC Program Standards and all six of the CPSELs. The course-ending formative assessment and program-ending summative assessments of their field-based project and portfolio will become part of the students' school leadership electronic portfolios. CR/NC grading.

Offered Spring

SLP 560.  Fieldwork A, Preliminary Leadership.  (2 Units)  

Recommended corequisite: SLP 550, SLP 551, SLP 552, and SLP 553. Supervised field experiences at the school level to include actual job performance in both supervision and administrative work. Students will demonstrate competencies specified in approved programs. CR/NC grading.

Offered Fall

SLP 561.  Fieldwork B, Preliminary Leadership.  (2 Units)  

Recommended corequisite: SLP 554, SLP 555, SLP 556 and SLP 557. Supervised field experiences at the school level to include actual job performance in both supervision and administrative work. Students will demonstrate competencies specified in approved programs. Second semester of two part course. CR/NC grading.

Offered Spring

SLP 580.  Professional School Leadership: Pre-Assessment, Induction.  (2 Units)  

The candidate, the university faculty member, and the site mentor together develop a professional credential induction plan for the support and professional development for the candidate based on the six themes of the 2004 CCTC Professional Standards.

Offered Fall, Spring, Summer

SLP 581.  Principles of Professional Administrative Practice: Six Themes.  (3 Units)  

Corequisite: SLP 580. This course has a strong conceptual base and is organized to address principles of administrative practice per CCTC's six thematic areas. Specialization and individualization occur by determining specialized strands and individualized learning opportunities as specified in the candidate's induction plan. CR/NC grading.

Offered Fall, Spring, Summer

SLP 582.  Professional School Leadership: Post-Assessment.  (2 Units)  

Prerequisite: SLP 580 and SLP 581. The expectations developed in candidate's induction plan aligned are assessed to determine if the CCTC professional standards are satisfied. Candidate expectations will be different for each candidate, depending on past experiences, current job assignments, and future development goals and plans.

Offered Fall, Spring, Summer