Systems Engineering (SEE)
The course provides an overview Systems Engineering professional competencies. Content and case studies present Systems Engineering as a multi-faceted discipline that draws upon human, organizational and technical resources to define, develop and deploy systems.
Co-requisite: SEE 501 required.Systems engineering processes, principles and tools used during a project¿s life cycle. Risk assessment that addresses technical, schedule, cost, and performance risks. Role of engineering sub-disciplines in the fulfillment of mission requirements. Risk and reliability in complex systems. A-B/NC grading.
Offered Fall
Prerequisite(s): SEE 510. Course covers processes, principles and tools utilized throughout a system's life cycle. Topics include the role of requirements engineering, risk management, supportability and logistics in the development of complex systems. A-B/NC grading.
Co-requisite: SEE 510 required. Principles of engineering economics; impact of economic factors for systems engineers, tools for understanding and analyzing these factors, fundamental quantitative analysis of cash flow, system life-cost estimating; parametric cost models.
Offered Fall
Prerequisite: SEE 530 required. Application of computer simulation to engineering (sub)systems; systems structure, system analysis, model construction, data collection, and computer simulations tools.
Offered Summer
Prerequisite: SEE 515 required. Holistic approach to the process of architecting systems in various engineering disciplines. Architectural as they relate to adaptive, complex and resilient systems.
Offered Spring
Prerequisite: SEE 504, SEE 505 (may be taken concurrently) and consent of graduate advisor. Co-requisite: SEE 585 required. Individual research on a systems engineering topic under the direction of graduate faculty. Repeatable course.
Offered Spring
Advanced course of special interest to graduate students in Systems Engineering. Topic and content will vary as announced. Repeatable course. One to three hours of lecture each week.
Offered Fall, Spring, Summer
Prerequisite: Signature of graduate program coordinator required. Graduate students, who have completed their course work but not their thesis, project, or comprehensive examination, or who have other requirements remaining for the completion for their degree, may attain continuous enrollment by enrolling in this course.