Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Organizational Leadership Studies (OLS)

OLS 300.  Ethos Libl Arts & Role of Work.  (3 Units)  

Examines the relationship between liberal arts and sciences education and the competencies required to function effectively in social and occupational settings. Readings and assignments emphasize integration and application of skills, knowledge, perspectives, and values acquired through liberal arts and sciences.

Offered Fall, Spring

OLS 490.  Sem in Occupational Leadership.  (3 Units)  

Prerequisites: OLS 300, satisfaction of GWAR and Senior Standing. Required of all applied studies majors. Interdisciplinary analysis of leadership in selected occupational areas. Creation and presentation of student portfolios demonstrating occupational accomplishment. Three hours of seminar per week.

Offered Fall, Spring

OLS 494.  independent Study in Organizational Leadership Studies.  (3 Units)  

Prerequisite: Consent of the program director. Independent research or other study under the direction of a full-time faculty member of the Applied Studies Program. CR/NC grading.

Offered As needed

OLS 495.  special Topics in Organizational Leadership Studies.  (3 Units)  

Prerequisite: Consent of the program director. Advanced seminar on a topic of current interest to the discipline of Organizational Leadership Studies. Three hours of seminar per week. Repeatable Course.

Offered Infrequent

OLS 496.  Internship in Organizational Leadership Studies.  (3 Units)  

Prerequisite: Consent of Program Director. Under direction of the Internship Coordinator, students work in an organization applying skills and knowledge learned in the classroom. CR/NC grading. Repeatable course.

Offered Infrequent