Geography (GEO)
Cultural, physical, and biological earth systems. Emphasizes human geography and adaptation to physical habitats.
Offered Fall, Spring, All terms
Classical natural systems, including earth-sun relationships, atmospheric flows, terrestrial biogeography, landforms, and processes of change; introduction to modern monitoring methods using maps, satellite reconnaissance, and geographic information systems.
Offered Fall, Spring
Principles, techniques, design and production of maps and graphs for data presentation. One hour of lecture and six hours of lab per week.
Offered Spring even
Structure of the atmosphere, planetary circulations, and storms of all latitudes. Types of clouds, radiation, humidity, precipitation, and optical phenomena. El Niño-Southern Oscillation and global teleconnections. Two hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week.
Offered Fall odd
Prerequisites: Completion of Lower Division General Education. Analysis of cultural diversity and the process of cultural interaction, inter-ethnic relations and social integration on the community, national and international levels with emphasis on people's knowledge of the natural world.
Offered Fall, Spring
Sequential, compatible, and conflicting land uses. Zoning and regulation. Impacts of public and private uses. Social and economic benefits from alternative land use.
Offered Infrequent
Study of the world's regions: population distribution, landforms and natural resources, urban and non-urban relationships, connections of trade and transportation, plus selected case studies involving water resources, boundaries and environmental impacts.
Offered Fall, Spring
A survey of key enviornmental issues affecting Los Angeles and other cities with special emphasis on environmental policy and local ordinances designed to mitigate urban environmental issues including air pollution, water resources, park and waste management.
Offered Fall even
The physical, cultural and regional geography of California. The land and its modifications. Spatial distribution of resources. Population, migration and urbanization. Problems and prospects.
Offered Infrequent
Physical, regional and cultural geography of the United States, Canada and Mexico. Emphasizes human-environment interaction, contemporary patterns of population distribution, resource exploitation, transportation, and agricultural and industrial production.
Offered Infrequent
Prerequisites: CSC 101 and MAT 009 (or equivalents). Principles of data reduction and analysis in the natural sciences. Practical techniques to understand spatial data sets using computer software. Topics include matrices, summary statistics, distributions, transformations, hypothesis testing, contouring, regression and curve-fitting.
Offered Spring odd
The distribution of plant and animal species with emphasis on native plant and animal populations in Southern California and recent changes to the region's flora and fauna.
Offered Fall odd
Prerequisite: GEO 305 or equivalent is recommended. Planning and preparing maps, graphics, photographs, and models. One hour of lecture and six hours of lab per week.
Offered Spring even
Interpretation of physical and cultural features, resources, environmental factors from photographic and specific sensor imagery. One hour of lecture and six hours of activity per week.
Offered Spring odd
Geographic inventory of global, state and national water resources. Drainage networks, streamflow measurements and flooding. Waterfalls, rapids, river conservation and dam case studies. Features field trip.
Offered Spring even
Prerequisites:Basic computer knowledge, CSC 101 or equivalent. Techniques of data acquisition, processing, analysis and display as pertain to geographic information systems. Includes practical applications based on various forms of geographically referenced data. One hour of lecture and six hours of laboratory per week.
Offered Fall
Prerequisite: GEO 200 is required. Characteristics and classifications for Earth's climates, with emphasis on the physical geographic reasons for their distribution patterns, as well as the biomes associated with each climate zone. The influence of climate zones on agriculture, diet, dress, and lifestyle. Physical and biological proxies for climate data, and historical and current trends in global climate.
Offered Spring odd
Atmospheric, hydrologic, ecologic and geologic principles; economic and environmental considerations in air, water, soil, food, timber, wildlife, nonmetallic and metallic resources.
Offered Fall even
Federal and State requirements, required inputs, presentation formats, procedures for review and acceptance of environmental reports. Methods of assessing air quality, noise, water pollution and traffic problems.
Offered Spring even, All terms
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.Independent study of a particular geographic or environmental problem under the supervision of a Geography faculty member
Offered Fall, Spring
Selected topics in Geography with course content to be determined by instructor. Repeatable course.
Offered As needed
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Research of a particular geographic or environmental problem under the direction of a Geography faculty member. CR/NC grading.
Offered Fall, Spring