Nursing - Undergraduate (BSN)
Focuses on concepts essential to the baccalaureate prepared nurse for socialization into the full professional role. Incorporates The Essentials of Educated Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice (2008). Content areas include returning to school and role development, historical nursing influences, nursing theory, ethical practice, quality practice, accountability and professional nursing issues/trends.
Offered Fall, Spring, Summer
Applies cultural concepts and models to explore various forms of human diversity. Analyzes how cultural diversity affects health beliefs, health care behaviors, and health/illness dynamics. Discusses ethnocentrism and bias and their impact on health care. Helps to build cultural competence and improve health care delivery.
Offered Fall, Spring, Summer
Recommended Prerequisite: BSN 302. Explores the response of the human body to various disease processes. Examines the rationale behind diagnosis and treatment of illness and injury. Contrasts the environmental and genetic components that contribute to health/illness. Emphasizes research advances in genetics and biomedical sciences, especially related to HIV/AIDS and quality of life.
Offered Fall, Spring, Summer
Prerequisite: BSN 346 is recommended. Provides the opportunity for application of basic knowledge and the practice of skills related to performing a complete nursing health assessment of pediatric, adult, and geriatric patients. Requires 16 hours of practice in a clinical laboratory. CR/NC grading.
Offered Fall, Spring, Summer
Prerequisites: BSN 302, BSN 346,BSN 381, and BSN 400 or concurrent enrollment are required. Co-requisite: BSN 423 is recommended. Explores dimensions of community-based nursing from individual/family health to community's overall health levels. Explores nursing scopes and responsibilities in healthy promotion and education, disease prevention, and risk reduction. Examines how epidemiological and evidence-based practice principles may be applied in order to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate community-based nursing interventions.
Offered Fall, Spring, Summer
Prerequisites: BSN 302, BSN 346, BSN 381, BSN 400 and BSN 422 (or concurrent enrollment) are required. Provides an opportunity for application of the knowledge and the skills of the community-based nurse in a community setting. Requires 90 hours of clinical practice with a preceptor for the Public Health Nurse Certificate.
Offered Fall, Spring, Summer
Required Prerequisite: BSN 302. Recommended Prerequisite: BSN 460. Introduces concepts of leadership, management, advocacy and roles of the professional nurse in relation to career planning, organizational and system-wide change. Topics include professionalism, ethics, power, quality, safety, inter-professional collaboration, change, group dynamics, finance, technology, and strategic planning.
Offered Fall, Spring, Summer
Prerequisite: BSN 405 may be taken concurrently. Examines scientific clinical nursing rationale for research utilization and theory-based practice. Presents concepts of research methods and processes. Analyzes relevant nursing problems for clinical effective practice.
Offered Fall, Spring, Summer
A course of study designed cooperatively by student and instructor, and approved by the Program Director, to accomplish individualized learning objectives that are appropriate to the role of the professional nurse. (Students should contact their advisor prior to enrolling to determine the appropriateness of this course for degree completion.)
Offered Fall, Spring, Summer
Theses courses offer student groups an opportunity to explore a topic of current interest to the nursing profession with colleagues, faculty and special guest speakers.
Offered Fall, Spring, Summer