Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Humanities, Minor


Required Courses
HUM 490Seminar In Humanities3
Select nine units from the following using at least two different courses:9
Key Concepts
Key Movements
Key Issues
Total Hours12

Note: If HUM 490 Seminar In Humanities is not offered, one of the following courses may be substituted with the permission of the Humanities Coordinator and the course instructor: one other HUM 310 Key Concepts/HUM 312 Key Movements/HUM 314 Key Issues, ART 490 , ENG 490 Seminar in Literature, HIS 490 Senior Seminar In History, MUS 495 Special Studies In Music, PHI 490 Seminar, THE 490 Seminar In Theatre Arts, or any HUM 500 The Humanities in the City level course (except HUM 598 Comprehensive Examination or HUM 599 Final Project).

Note: HUM 310 Key Concepts/HUM 312 Key Movements/HUM 314 Key Issues are repeatable with different topics. An additional three units selected from HUM 310 Key Concepts, HUM 312 Key Movements, or HUM 314 Key Issues must be completed to fulfill the upper division General Education requirement in Integrative

Studies in Humanities.